Let me start off by saying that I have been to this Starbucks before and haven't ever had a problem...but my last visit was not what I was expecting. I was over on this side of town and remembered that Starbucks was have a customer appreciation day today between 2PM and 5PM where you could get a BOGO Carmel Cream Latte, Peppermint Mocha Latte, or a Gingerbread man Latte. I thought this would be a perfect time to utilize my gift card that I received from my Secret Santa so me and bf merrily go into the store. Everyone knows that when Starbucks throws deals like this then there is going to be a crowd...this was expected. We placed our orders (mine a Peppermint Moca and his the Carmel Cream Latte) and I used my gift card. So we have a few people in line and I hear one of the women who work there tell another, "Don't do it like that b/c you'll have cups lined up and just sitting here" then she walks to the back to wash some of the utensils. Well she must didn't care what she told her b/c she must have kept doing exactly what she was doing before...making drinks out of order. There was a couple in front of us and she handed the female her coffee and instead of making the one for the man she was with she makes my bf his coffee. Well quite naturally the man picks up the coffee thinking it's his, even went so far as to place a cozy on the cup, and once he had turned the coffee several times and read what it was he then realized that it wasn't his. By this time she had made mine (still the guy is waiting on his drink). I took mine, picked up the one that the guy had and asked her to remake this one. "Why" she says with a slight attitude. I gave it right back to her and if you have read any of my other reviews you will know that I do not like my food or drink to be breathed over/picked up by strangers...and this is what I told her. So she starts making another coffee (I'm thinking she's remaking the bf) but she's making a drink for someone who is farther down the line (still the guy in front of us is waiting and he's getting pissed off). Then she makes my bf (so he gets his before the guy in front of us) and kinda shoves it to him. I'm not saying that this place has bad service but this one server can make or break a place....