Update: they do have HD now for every tv I saw. On a third visit, I toured the whole place: The gameroom downstairs is a total zoo, with rugrats running amok. As a gamer, I can tell you that the games they feature are a little dated but appear to be in good condition. The top floor has a smoking balcony and a place for a band to play. They have buffet service up there for private parties, but the spread appeared limited to mass portions of their regular menu items.
This brings me to the biggest let down of Jupiter's II for me and the reason this place remains a solid 2 stars: the menu is extremely limited. If you are hungry, they have: pizza, salads, fried appetizers, and pitas with dips. That is it. That is all. I like pizza a lot, but it is kind of hard to convince the whole crew to come to a place where the selection is so limited.