The lunchtime lineup - literally insane. But you plod on anyway. Needless to say, because it's close to Prince's Island, you can just plop down somewhere along the river and enjoy the sub while breezes fluff your hair and you die a little inside because of the soft baguette/veggie/other delicacies melting in your mouth. I've tried their cold cut, sate beef, chicken and pork - and I can't really choose. The sate beef is a little on the spicier side while the pork is sweeter, I think. All super good though! Convenience, price point and taste merit 5 stars easy.
Watching how efficient the owners are at assembling the subs is really interesting, too, and also when obvious regulars just stroll right up and order like 20 subs. Props to them for handling that, with I dare say as much passion as pizzazz??