I've been here once because there was talk that this was one of the best indian restaurants in the city and that the buffet was incredible. I no longer read those reviews anymore. I first went there after 2:30 to just get something to eat because I got up real late that day. (Another great night of drinking). I had no plans on doing the buffet and just wanted to order some lamb vindaloo, some naan and some rice. Possibly a lassi too. However, they said that they were closed for after the buffet service and they didn't do a kitchen service during the day.
Well. I came back a couple days later to do the buffet. Was I disappointed. Maybe I walked in there with too high expectations. The naan came out fresh and hot each time and the curry was hot. However, The flavor just wasn't that good and the selection for buffet was not impressive at all. They had their chicken tikka masala which was decent and another lamb curry dish which was terrible. The tandoori chicken was ok. The actual chicken was a little overcooked. Well. At the least the ones that I ate. And they ran out of rice and took a long time to refill it. The restaurant was pretty packed when I went there but they never refilled my water. I had to literally grab a waiter and ask him for some more water.
I have no plans on coming back here in the future.