| - I've never been to the gym, but still rating this based on the experience I had trying to even get information from them! After my frustrations, I can't foresee going there to work out.
I've tried calling them twice, to find out about personal training costs. Don't get me wrong, both times they were nice, but I have still not received any information from them, even after giving them my e-mail address twice. I called and spoke with a gentleman a couple of weeks ago, and he kept asking me questions, but didn't seem to register my answers. I guess he was reading from a script.
I don't like it when you ask someone what they charge for a service (which I did) and their response is, "Well, what can you afford?" or "Well what is your budget?" Instead of this translating to me that they're willing to negotiate a price, I get a used-car salesman feel of, "We're willing to for you to pay much lower, but we won't tell you that. We'll find out what your max is, so we can push you as close to that dollar amount as possible." I don't have a budget yet. I'm sorry... how about you give me some prices, and I'll figure out if I can afford it...
The guy also asked when it was convenient for me to work out. I work during "normal business hours," in fact later, so it would be late at night after my kids go to sleep, when someone else is at the house to be w/them, and I'm not an early riser/morning person, which I specifically told him. His response was, "Well, if you can be there at five a.m. a personal trainer can be there for you." Why ask me what my schedule is and when it would be convenient for me to work out, if you're going to tell me who is available when I'm not? I also had my weekend fully booked for my kids' activities, which I also told him multiple times, indicating I wasn't able to come in to talk to a manager, and that I would prefer they just e-mail me the information. Then, w/out listening, he said, "Why don't you come in on Saturday, or Sunday, 9-2, when my manager is here, or come on Monday 8-5 when my manager is here?" Um.... it's like I was talking to a wall b/c I had JUST said I wasn't available during those times!
I'm not a "lookie-loo", but I'm not pulling teeth to get info. from them anymore and now have zero desire to go in and use their facility. If they're open 24/7, they should truly be available 24/7.