| - Don't waste your time or money. Jeph is unprofessional and takes mediocre pictures. After hours of retouching, the photos can be great. We did our shoot in studio per his recommendation so that lighting would be perfect. The lighting was awful with shadows at distracting areas such as the crotch. He promised us "teasers" later that night or at the latest within 24 hours. After emailing him about them, he sent them 2 days after the shoot. I emailed him a week later inquiring about the time frame to expect the online gallery, he did not respond until I emailed him a second time a week after that. He tells me he has been busy and his computer that handles email died. The online gallery is available to us after another 3 days and while looking at those, we found so many amateur mistakes such as the lighting, clutter that made the background (storage chest, rope, and stand with green clip to hold up his backdrop sheet that left wrinkles on our pictures. He advertised over 8 backdrops and all of pictures with a backdrop are of a white sheet. He tells us that "Dr. Jeph" will make you look perfect and after telling me to wear one of his shoes with a broken buckle, he states he can photoshop the buckle in but fails to photoshop the shoe size sticker showing in many of the pictures. I emailed him that same day asking for the voucher code for my package deal credit of $60 to purchase prints and when I can expect the CD that I paid for. I never heard from him. I email him again 9 days later telling him that I have lost my patience and would rather have a refund. I tell him everything that I stated above. He emails me right away saying that he never got the email yet I have record of it being sent to both of us. He creates a code for me to purchase my prints right away and after another 3 days, he makes adjustments to a handful of prints that I specifically detailed issues with. He only corrected the example photos that I emailed him instead of fixing all of the background issues, or all of the shoe stickers. After not receiving the CD that he said he placed in the mail a week earlier, I emailed him again expressing my dissatisfaction with the photos, he recommended that I look at the untouched photos when I receive the CD as he believes that I would be less critical when seeing the photos that he started with. So today I received the CD and I write this review after looking at the untouched photos to be fair. The photos were close to what he posted in the online gallery. He took close to 180 photos. Most of them are the same. Half of them are blurry or have eyes closed. Lighting was atrocious in an overwhelming number of photos. So if he is implying that the photos are crappy before he retouched them, well that only supports my review in stating that he takes mediocre photos.