| - I wrote a review in January about my therapy on my right broken arm and right broken hip, due to a trip in September 2012. My hip was pinned, they (therapy) worked it hard, but the bone did not heal. So in March a hip replacement was done. Due to all the therapy before the replacement I was able to come back pretty quickly from the hip surgery. My arm continued to receive therapy, I did quite a number on it.
Here is the amazing part.
New hip, right? But after 6-7 weeks my KNEE was keeping me up all night, crying. Went to the Dr and was ready for a pain specialist.
I told PT Matt Shuey (he's amazing in my book), about my knee. It had been a while since I shed tears during therapy, but that day......OUCH! He worked on my leg, put suction cup on it (double ouch)! BUT it only hurts while he works on me. I NEVER complain (may cry though). After that day, my knee did not keep up awake at night. I even cancelled my pain clinic appointment BECAUSE OF HIS SKILL.
Matt Shuey has amazing knowledge and talent. I've been going there for months due to the severity of my injuries. I was fortunate enough to come and be treated by the best, from beginning to end!
I can't say enough good about Matt, he's the therapist that has treated me. I'm sure they're all good, just as all there support staff is friendly, helpful and knowledgeable.
I totally recommend Spooner Therapy at 40th St.! They are terrific!