Have you ever watched the Golden Girls and thought...."damn, Dorothy Zbornak is lookin' good - I wonder where I can score one of those nifty pantsuits?" The answer is The Pink Poodle.
+Advertises as "designer consignment" and actually HAS designer items.
+Super, super organized by style, size, etc. I appreciate not having to waste time digging through racks of jumbly stuff.
+Shoe department was not gross at all and again, was well organized
+Charming (and properly standoffish) standard poodle sleeping on one of the sofas
~ Big selection of accessories - mostly of the sparkly, cheap variety
~ Staff will likely ignore you completely, which is ok if you're just browsing
~ Prices vary - $25 for like new Mephistos is a steal. $350 for a used Kate Spade bag is not.
- Not much for the fellas. Mostly polo shirts and crappy dad jeans.
- A disturbing amount of Chico's stuff. Like racks and racks of it.
- Women's fashions are definitely geared to the "50+ and drive a Lexus SUV" set.
- Lots of scoldy signs plastered up - no cell phone use, no gum, etc. Really?