This school might be good for older kids or kids who are comfortable in the water. but It did not work for us. I took my 3 year old there for 4 months and all she learned was to fear the water. She cried the first few classes and then when she was getting comfortable they switched instructors. The remainder of our time there they kept changing instructors every 2 or 3 classes and my daughter never seemed to progress.
She would cry for the entire 30 minute class, along with 1 or 2 of the other kids in class. I asked the instructor if there was something we could do to help my daughter get comfortable with the water and they told me to sit as far away as possible during class so she could not see me. For the next month I did that but she kept crying the whole class everytime, and none of the instructors or people at the front desk(who could hear her screaming as well) seemed concerned or said anything to me. Tired of the poor customer service and seeing that my daughter was not progressing I cancelled with them and they did not seem to care.
At first I thought my daughter was too young too learn to swim but then I took her to Aquasafe swim school and I saw a world of difference there. The instructors and staff seemed more concerned about the kids there. The first (and only time) my daughter cried there the instructor came out and talked to me to figure out why she was crying. The instructor then spent the next couple of minutes playing with her in the water until she was comfortable. Then she proceeded with her class. In less than 8 lessons my daughter was beginning to swim by herself. She has now been at this new school for several months and her instructors have stayed the same through out every level.
I would have appreciated if the staff at Evo had shown some concern about my daughter, had talked to me, or had been gentler teaching my child. A partial refund for the 4 months of wasted money would have been nice as well.