If you don't have time/interest to read my whole review I will refer to capitalized message above.
About me; I'm an experienced "tanner". I've tanned at salons for years, and have olive skin tone that never burns in a tanning bed, nor under the sun. I'm always cautious and never tan excessively.
I was in the plaza where Hawaiian Heat has it's location, feeling spontaneous I decided to try this salon. I checked it out on Yelp first, as I always do when visiting a new place, but was surprised to see there were no reviews (red flag... I know). There were other clients in the salon so I decided for a 15 min bed-session, paid for it and went into the room. I always check the cleanliness of the bed before getting on it, and noticed a huge crack in the glass in the middle of the bed. I figured it was not on the surface and stroke with my hand over it, and cut my finger! The crack was over a foot long and razor sharp! A bit turned off, I went out to the staff and told her there was a crack in the bed and that I'd prefer another bed. She sent me to a second room, bed had no cracks but also looked like it had never been cleaned, ever. On top of the bed and on the side (where you usually can tune in to a radio channel, adjust the fan etc.) the whole surface was covered with thick gray dust. I'm no clean freak, but this disgusted me. I went to the washroom to wash my makeup off before the session, someone who clearly had a bad case of loose stools had been using the toilet, absolutely disgusting as well!
My naive attitude and I went on and had the 15 min session. Afterwards, I went home, had a shower and promised myself to never go back due to the dirty environment and the crack in the bed which to me was absolutely nuts!
A couple of hours later though, my skin started feeling strange. Burning, itching. I removed my clothes to have a look, I was a lobster. I was shocked. I had never, EVER, been burned before. All the body parts that had touched the bottom glass was beet-red. All other areas of my body was completely untouched. I could not understand how this could have happened.
This clearly had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the tanning bed!!
Now, 5 days later.. my body parts have finally turned back to their normal color. I will never, ever go back to Hawaiian Heat Tanning Salon.