I have taken both of my boys for cleanings and x-rays. First the waiting room keeps them entertained as they have several games to keep them and myself occupied. This is the only place I wouldn't mind waiting longer for my appointment.
When you go back request Valerie she is awesome, very friendly and knowledgeable my kids just love her. We have seen two dentist both very friendly and take time to go over any questions. Then at the end the kids get to pick out of a prize bucket. We have not had any other work besides cleanings but with my current interactions I would feel very comfortable taking my kids for a procedure.
I really don't see why people are asking to go back with their kids during a major procedure. It's probably best and for safety reasons. If my son was having a procedure at a hospital I would not ask to go back.
Last note when my kids leave I have to tug and drag them in the car. When I grew up I could not wait to get out of the dentists office.