This was an aggravating experience and we never stepped foot into an office. Because no one will answer the phone or respond when you leave a voicemail, I had to conduct all scheduling and communication via email and their web portal - which doesn't work correctly. I also lost hours of my life filling out the assessments and intake forms online for my two sons. Could not get an appointment scheduled sooner than a month later.
The only time I receive a phone call was from a scheduler to inform me that the day I had scheduled for my sons' intakes was "no longer available". The girl that called was unresponsive, cold, and without care of what goes into common courtesy.
I called back and spoke to a much nicer individual who shared that within the entire practice- between five locations - there is only one medication provider for adolescents. One! And he's decided he only wants to work three days a week.
Working in community behavioral health myself, I understand the frustrations of staffing issues. However, the website of this business implies a large staff ready and willing to help children. But that isn't actually what's happening.