otal scam. They ask for medical tecords when policy starts to review for pre existing conditions. Then when you submit a claim they look at the records. Not before as implied or what makes sense. Then when a procedure is done they scour the records for existing issues. Seems backward. Niw they say that skip lumps on my dog which were removed while already under anesthesia for dental cleaning are not civered because of a prior note about a skin tag. A skin tag is a small piece of extra skin that need mot require removal. These were lumps which required surgical remival and deep sectioning to remove completely and sutures. This meducal cindition is being refused entirely because of a notrle about a similar but medically different condition that Does require remival. At Embraces suggestion I had the Vet write a new letter to explain and yet Embrace still calims it is excluded. Cancelled pooicy, got premium back and now I will complain to Attorney General, Insurance commisioner and BBB. Total scam