Green goddess ($6.99) has an initial sweet taste from the juice but has a veggie aroma and leaves aweird veggie sweet bitterness on your tongue afterward. Not exactly a taste I'm used to but it's okay. The drink comes with a Vega one protien powder which is plant based instead of milk so, it is vegan friendly. I don't think the protien was fully mixed into the drink though cause I found a clump of it after finishing the drink.
Butter coffee ($3.99) does have a rich buttery taste I can identify especially the aftertaste on the tongue. The butter flavour sort of makes the bitterness of the coffee tolerable.
Every time, someone opens the door, the cold of winter goes straight through the cafe. There is no vestibule and the door closes really slow. There are approx 7 tables of seating in the cafe. Not very busy on a Sunday afternoon. No music.
As someone not into health food, this may not the best place to get a drink.