This is a cute little store but it's one of those vintage places where I just don't feel welcome. OK, so maybe I shouldn't have voiced out loud to my sister that it was pretty late in the day for me to feel like shopping for clothing that was sorted by color rather than by size, but then my sister asked a question about what the labels meant, and the girl working there kinda gave us the hairy eyeball and said "Well, most vintage clothing doesn't have size labels. And it tends to run small." Meow! We both wear a modern size "medium", so it's not like it's totally unrealistic for us to expect to find something wearable in a vintage store. And I used to work in an import store that sometimes got in one-size or unlabeled garments and when business was slow we would rough-size them with a tape measure and add something to the label to help out the customers. It can be done.