Here we go again...another episode of "Mediocrity in the West Valley. A pretentious, faux urban chic restaurant pandering to the elite Litchfield Park residences by marking up everything on thier menu because they feel that the people will pay for it since they're not the kind that will truck on down to the local Waffle House or another mediocre suburban chain restaurant that litters the West Valley(Seriously...what is with this part of town regarding chain restaurants and big box stores?). Anyway, you can't charge ridiculous prices for breakfast just because you think you're hip and trendy with a brick wall and exposed ceiling; you need to justify charging $9.00 for breakfast that consists of mouse dropping portions of eggs, one piece of dried out toast and in my own words....ghetto fruit; you know the kind, the typical cantaloupe and melon found at your local Dennys. If you want to charge these prices, provide a sense of value to your clients. How about fresh berries? I'm sorry, I usually will give 2nd chances to restaurants to fix their mistakes, but when their biggest mistake is pandering to locals with price gouging; no 2nd chances for me.