I am not a fan of "Cirque" type entertainment. When i saw the fact that this show incorporates water it peaked my interest!. It was a truly breath taking experience! I have tried to explain this show to a couple of people since and have been unable to do it any justice. My only complaints aren't with the actual show as much as location and personnel issues. I found the staff at the ticketing desk curt. The woman I was working with seemed to be annoyed when i asked her what it meant to be sitting in the "splash zone". Having been to Sea World, i wanted to know if a poncho was necessary! The tickets are also very expensive over $100 for the previously mentioned splash zone and they go up from there. Being that I am not a Vegas show aficionado, this may just be the standard price of admission, but felt like a lot even after the show. Also, the staff of the theatre had to continuously flash their lights and call-out people trying to take photos or video. The first couple of times I got it, but it really started to get annoying. This was a great once in a lifetime experience, but I don't think I would pay their asking prices to see the same show more than once, even if it was that good.