Why is it that retail associates either bombard you with "Are you doing OK?" or act annoyed if after 5 minutes strolling an empty store you have to interrupt their conversation to ask for assistance? Since this is my experience at most Ulta's, (across the U.S.) I avoid them, until this week. After 10 minutes I approached 2 heavily madeup and pierced girls deep in conversation to ask their advice on lip tint. I guess being over 50 makes me not worth their time, as I received very short brisk answers to my questions, not one smile and only one store product was suggested.
Another great annoyance is Ulta's coupons are only good on drug store items. I can get drug store items cheaper at the drug store. Make the coupon good for anything in the store, at least get me in the door and I MIGHT leave some money in the register.
The one bright side, I found Ulta brand products on my own, for a better value than all the department store brands and may order some online.
Sephora appears the same at first sight, but I've always had better service, bye bye Ulta.