| - In all honesty,
I have little to zero problems with this place. I work and go to school and have a hectic schedule. The only "problem" I've had here is my boiler wasn't drained so my heater didn't work for one night. The maintenance came out the next morning and fixed it for me so it wasn't that big of an issue.
I can't agree with the noise, but I also live on the 4th floor and I'm not facing the triangle (center of complex). I stroll in at all hours and have never witnessed sketchy people. My car has never been vandalized, nor has my apartment.
If you're a student, it's a 10 minute walk to get anywhere on ASU's campus, and maybe 25 minutes to walk to mill. There is a frat house across the street on lemon, but if you yell shut up, they're usually pretty good at quieting down. There are parties here from time to time, but its generally in the court yard and they're done by midnight to 1 A.M.
The gym kind of sucks, but if you can work out with minimal equipment (i.e. benchpress, treadmills, sit up machine, punching bag, and on site yoga w/ instructors- you'll be fine) and if you're a student, you can use ASU's gym, so problem solved.
I don't know how this place "used to be" but from reading, I guess it was sketchy. I can reassure you it's not. My parents visit often, they never have problems. My girlfriend visits and never has problems. I'm from California, LA to be exact and my friends come out here as well and never have issues, I never see "gangsters" in the complex, and I don't really believe there are "crazy drug dealers" everywhere. You smell marijuana once in a great while walking through the halls buuuuuut oh well. Get over it.
It's not the Ritz but it's not terrible. Its well put together, fairly cheap, close to asu, has on site amenities, cool people, pet friendly, nice staff and more, so I don't know what people are complaining about, besides their precious feet not being able to walk on finished concrete.