They are celebrating being around for 20 years. Trust me, if you stay here, you'll be able to tell it's been around for 20 years. You can tell that Tower 1 hasn't been upgraded in quite a long time (since it was built?) and that is where we got saddled for our $45 a night ($33 plus the $11 resort charge).
Our room had two queen beds which was great but the polyester bed spread had a mixed colour scheme that reminded me of those gag plastic vomits that you can get at Spencer's Gifts or the like. Except darker. And kind of scary. When we got in, our four year old dove into one of the beds where we discovered someone had put a used Q Tip under the bed spread. I removed it to find... that under the top sheet they had placed ANOTHER Q Tip. You can tell someone purposely did it. Whether it was someone testing housekeeping or the previous tenant to this room I will never know but it was severely gross enough to have us call housekeeping to ask them to remake the bed.
They came within 20 minutes and remade the bed. I had disposed of the Q Tips (and scalded my hands with hot water and soap) and we left to let them finish (I'm not comfortable playing lady of the manner while someone does a job I do all the time at home) so they seemed to have that look like 'right lady sure there was a Q Tip. Maybe they were tired. Maybe something else.
It's kind of obvious that the turn and burn on these rooms is really limited. Corporate probably has told them to get in and get out with as minimal cleaning as possible. Our bathroom had some cleanliness issues but nothing that I couldn't take care of. The towels were a bit smallish and a bit scratchy that comes from being really inexpensive and washed to death. I suppose if you're offering a room for $30 a night, you're not going to be putting in the Frette linens for people.
If you're not particular about where you are staying and are staying on the Strip, this is your place.
On the positives: the pools are nice. Great for kids. Not so much for adults wanting to avoid kids. The Sherwood Forest Cafe serves good food (I liked the breakfast quesadilla and the salsa it came with) and is fairly relaxing.
The other negatives? Man I hate that you can't walk 10 yards without being accosted by a time share person. We got attacked as we walked in the door to check in and when we finally were able to draw a breath, we pissed off the kid trying to get us to sit through some 9am breakfast talk about how we want to invest non existent money into a Vegas time share. The pool is all the way on the other side of the hotel which means you're traipsing from Tower 1 to Tower 2 through the casino in your suit. Which isn't too bad until your dripping body is trying to get back to your room. Fun to do across the casino with all the people staring at you like an alien.
My hubs took our son to the arcade for some fun (he wanted to play slots but at four, he's a bit young) and my hubs said it was really overpriced for what you were doing.
We aren't coming back. Sorry.