If you're even remotely within driving distance of Dave, take your computer to him. Hands down the best service you could ask for. My HP dv2000 was freezing every 3 minutes (literally rebooted it about 50 times over the course of a day and a half). Diagnosis came back that the harddrive was kaput. In only 2 business days, and for $200 Dave got me a better and bigger harddrive, updated my godawful Vista to Windows 7, cleaned my fan, dumped all the bloatware that has plagued my computer performance since I got it in '06, AND saved my documents (including all my wedding pictures)! He was personable, honest and informative, keeping me up to date throughout the process. Much more individual attention than you could ever hope to receive from a big box store "expert team". IF I ever have trouble again (which I don't necessarily expect, after all the improvements he made), I wouldn't take it anywhere else.