If I could rate zero stars I absolutely would. I have never been made out to be such a incompetent pos like I was during my trip to target. My card had been unfortunately compromised so I of course destroyed it and being a former employee of this exact target I knew it wouldn't be that much of a hassle to make my return. However I am saddened to see such ill trained and disrespectful staff you have on board. After I explained my situation to the cashier she tries to run my ID and then gives the security personnel the last four of my card number and date of purchase to look up the item. She then proceeds to tell me it's a courtesy to do the return and I should really have my receipt and I would have no problem with having it if I signed up for a target red card. Are you serious? As this is happening I decide to roam the store and I come back after and it's a different lady at the return section. She gives me the run around and then asks if anything pulled up with my ID. I don't know why the hell I would know that if she's the one behind the counter. She starts arguing with me about the date I said I purchased the item on and I need to calm down because security is sorting through thousands of purchases. I was more quiet due to anger then anything and felt completely belittled by this woman. The man with security walks up and says I never purchased it with my card and proceeds to tell me all the information about the lady that did including her full name. After being there well over an hour I finally decide to give up and leave as soon as I can. The next day I go to the desert ridge target and I deal with return services for maybe 2 minutes and it was the most quick and hassle free transaction of my life and guess what, they found the transaction within 10 seconds with my ID. As someone that frequents this target on a weekly basis, I will never step foot in there again and intend to let everyone know what a terrible experience it was.