Got take out sushi today - half of the avocado was brown - like really brown. If this is a sushi place you would think the products they use in AVOCODO sushi would be fresh. Or at least call the customer & say that the avocados aren't good - would you like something else. Not just send the product on it's way - my hubby picked it up - so not sure if he even looked at it before taking it. I would have taken one look & refused it. Got all the way home & it just looked gross - feel really bad cause my little daughter was the one that wanted it . We picked out the good ones & tossed the rest. Now - saying this to the manager - he didn't even offer a refund or an apology - second manager did - & offered an apology which the first manager didn't even offer. Really disappointing. Feeling sick with stomach pains - which is what prompted me to call. Very disappointing.