I'm a self professed tomboy, so when I arrived with dry legs and even worse feet, I braced myself for an angry woman with an accent to scold me on my manly behavior.
I was surprised to encounter just the opposite. I went for the deluxe pedi because I needed the sugar scrub, badly. The nail tech I had was friendly, asked about how my Summer was going, and didn't mention my neon orange polish that had stained my toe nails a funky yellow. The sugar scrub on my calves and lower legs felt amazing, and I could feel all my man-skin be scrubbed away. The peppermint lotion made my toes say "ahhh" in unison as they were receiving the most moisture they'd had in awhile. My polish stayed on for a long time.
I'll be back again, with hopes that no one will mention my man feet and legs. *looks down at feet* Yes, I need to go back again, and soon.