| - This store, managed by a douchebag called JESSE with only the badge of a manager not the privileges.
Do not do safety checks here, look for places on Kijiji or independents, cheaper (here its $80+) and higher probability to pass.
If you do it at Canadian Tire they're going to foot a long bill for you to replace unnecessary parts so that they can Cha-ching. I still did 8 months with my brake pads and rotors they diagnosed as "failed"
If you need winter tires replaced DONT DO IT HERE least they quoted me was $109/tire when I got it for $69 at a place I found through Kijiji.
Now to my bad experience here:
I brought my car and told them to change the brake-pads and rotors. They had me pay for the safety inspection in advance, told me to pay for a part that needs to be ordered in a week. When I came a couple of weeks later and fix the parts somewhere else wanted to perform the safety check and pay for it again citing its their policy I should've come within 10 days (never been told about it earlier)
You scammers, why have you even performed the safety check before you replaced the defective parts I told you to replace, and then asked me to pay again once the car is ready to pass.
Now to the douchbag Jesse, he is just a mannequin with no authority or privileges as he implied during our exchange. A punchable face to say least, although to his credit he listened to my complaint, he told me he "doesn't believe I wasn't told about the 10 day policy" (basically implying I am lying)
Anyway Jesse and his subordinate who forgot to mention the 10 day policy, if you're looking at this I hope you rot doing your 9-5 job, watching customers take their business somewhere else.
Do not do safety checks here, look for places on Kijiji or small independents, if you do it at Canadian Tire they're going to foot a long bill for you to replace unnecessary parts so that they can Cha-ching. I still did 8 months with my brake pads and rotors they diagnosed as failing.