| - Do. Not. Go. Here. Never in my life have I had such a poor working experience. The kitchen is basically a hot, dirty closet. When we would run out of rags during a rush (yes, that's right. They never had more than one bag on hand) the kitchen staff were told to "deal with it."
There is a single restroom, which kitchen staff are forbidden from using. We are told to use the basement "bathrooms" instead, which are littered with toilet paper and other filth. Not to mention that the stalls of said slime pits do not have doors (very inconvenient for a waitress that might want some privacy to change in or out of work clothes with a bunch of men around).
During the miserable time I worked here, I made a point to inform one of the managers that I wouldn't be available for the weekend shifts a few weeks away for a college campus tour. To which the oaf replied "That's not my problem." I'm also quite sure the owner sexually harassed female employees.
In an act of what I assume was hazing, I was instructed to mop the quarter-inch layer of grime off of the walk-in cooler floor. Fun of it was, the only source of water in the basement is a small hand-washing station across the room. You can imagine how that one played out.
But I think the best thing about this trash heap excuse for a restaurant would have to be, upon clocking out for the night, I was informed that I wasn't aloud at the bar. When I inquired as to why, I was told it was because another employee had gotten belligerent one night at that same bar. Who do you ask? The fucking GM. Fuck this place, and fuck the higher-ups that treat their employees like worthless pawns.