People. People. Some of you negative nancys need to take a deep breath and stop complaining about getting charged 25 cents for using your credit card. Yelp reviews can make or break these local businesses, and small things like processing fees aren't a true representation of what a coffee shop experience should be about. Hava Java is a great independent coffee shop with great tasting coffee and tea. The baristas are on-point and very friendly. For the price you pay, you get a great beverage, and it doesn't taste anything like strbx. The 1 negative of this place is the lack of seating- it is a 'run and gun' coffee bar- and if I want to stay and read or do work, I go to Lux. Maybe make the outdoor seating more compact and expansive? I want more independent local businesses like Hava Java in my neighborhood, and I'm willing to pay a little extra for that- but they do give punch cards here so it all evens out and then some!