If you like having your money stolen from you from a business with no contract for you then this is the place! While they boast such great service they don't show it when you don't want to frequent their place any longer. They would rather auto charge and increase charges on a person than cancel their account properly. Then they don't step up and admit their mistake, rather they continue to pursue you. Ridiculous business practices, ZERO customer service. Stay away and find a reputable business to deal with.
For those that are interested I thought I would post a reply from this joke of a business. They reply to me on Facebook and then block me so I can't tell the truth about them on their page. Bottom line...there is proof of their actions and they can deny it all they want but proof is proof!
Desired Physiques Fitness Center Greetings Jeff, you may be unaware of our cancellation policy. All of our members receive a copy of their agreement upon joining.(Edit By Jeff, Not everyone) We do require a 30 day notice of cancellation.(Edit by Jeff Which Was Given!) Depending on their billing date and day they cancel, may result in one more payment being due.(Edit By Jeff How about several months and then collecting on that) Which they are informed the day of resigning. They are also informed that once that payment is made the cancellation will be processed. If that last payment is NOT made the cancellation is considered incomplete. Our system does not allow us to cancel memberships with a past due balance. We are a business and we do have policies and procedures. There is a possibility your friend last payment was not made which resulted in their membership continuing and going into collections. Please have your friend contact us so we can better assist him/her and get this figured out. For we do appreciate their business. If you would like to activate a 3 day guest pass and have an opportunity to actually experience D.P yourself, we would love to meet you. Thank You for your concern and suggestions.(Final Edit By Jeff Seriously? The fact that you blocked me on Facebook says all that needs to be said. You are a fraud.)