| - If it weren't for the beautiful lobby and the friendly reception staff, I would give this place a zero. Well, that and the fact that Yelp doesn't allow for Zeros. Point being, this place SUCKS and you should not go there. I repeat, DO NOT GO TO DENTAL SPECIALITY ASSOCIATES FOR ANY REASON. I visited DSA in September 2013. I went at the recommendation of my insurance company. The second I walked out the door after my appointment, I contacted my insurance provider and changed my primary dentist to anyone BUT these people. My appointment was made same-day as I was in extreme tooth pain and needed to be seen. When I got to DSA, they promptly placed me in a room with an oral hygenist who took my x-rays. We were off to a great start. After that, I was placed in an exam room where I waited about twenty minutes to see my dentist, Dr. Lior Berger. Dr. Berger was rough with his hands, pushing and pulling in my mouth and knocking metal things and cold against my teeth to determine my issue(s). I understood that this may need to take place given that I was in extreme pain. I silently endured his torture. He did not speak to me really, he preferred to bark numbers and orders at his staff. They were nearby with my chart taking notes. After my exam by Dr. Berger, I was escorted to the "finances" department where they would go over my treatment plan. Long story short, I went in with a DENTAL EMERGENCY and left with NO SOLUTION to my problem. As a matter of fact, what I DID leave with was a "treatment plan" that included 3 root canals, 2 crowns, a two stage tooth cleaning and multiple cavities needing to be filled. All for the low, lo price of $3,000+ AFTER insurance!!! Um, no.
I left DSA and never went back. I wasn't really bothered enough to write a Yelp review at the time because I knew that I was smart enough not to pay $3,000 for tooth treatment that wasn't actually causing me pain. I figured most other people would be the same. However, as of the past 72 hours, I feel a bit differently.
Today is Sunday. Thursday night I got no sleep because of a recurrence of the pain in my teeth / jaw. I knew I couldn't go back to DSA. I visited another dentist's office about two miles away. On Friday morning, I had yet another emergency exam to help identify the pain that I had been having in my mouth. I was at the dentist's office for over two hours. Multiple dentists consulted on my case. It turns out I needed ZERO root canals. My tooth pain is actually not tooth pain at all. I was diagnosed with TMJ. So, had I listened to Dr. Berger, I would have had three unnecessary root canals along with all kinds of other stuff that would not have helped my pain. The new dentist told me my issue is not with my teeth at all but rather pain is coming from my jaw and muscles around my mouth. They prescribed me a muscle relaxer to bring down my swelling / inflammation and took impressions to have a night-time mouth guard made. My guard will be made and ready for me to pick it up in two and a half weeks. My cost- $240. Dr. Berger tried to scam me for a TON of money. I am devastated that there are people in the medical field who operate with morals like this. Unbelievable.