Thrive is not a poor experience, but the process is just excessive. The people are nice but the actual experience is what gave them a 3.
Their actual product has been good. Of course it's at a dispensary price though.
The part that throws me off, this is the only dispensary (maybe because of location?) that I've been to that makes you go through so many steps.
You check in and wait in the lobby as usual. Some days it takes a while to get back, others you get right through-- this is expected considering a Friday night will be busier than a Wednesday morning.
Once you're in the back, there are tables in a horseshoe shape for you to look through their inventory. You wait around until a worker notices you and takes your order. They write it down on a sticky and tell you to wait to pay. You then wait for a cashier to call your name. Once called, you go to the cashier, confirm your order and pay- i like that they have both cash and card options. Card has a fee though. From there, you take your receipt/order label to the next and final step (yay) where they give you your order.
Realistically speaking, this process isn't bad if it didn't take 5-10 minutes for each step in peak hours. I guess if i came during the day it would be a simple 3 step process that's in and out however when i'm off work or on a weekend, i don't enjoy spending 30-40 min for something that usually takes 10.
Overall: friendly, knowledgeable people. Good product. Average prices. Long process.