I have been getting my parents' house in Las Vegas ready for an estate sale. I live 600 miles away and am in Las Vegas every month. My neighbor called and said someone threw a rock through the glass next to the front door and attempted a break-in, but the alarm scared them off.
I flew there the next morning and was faced with a broken window and lots of broken glass. I called several glass companies and one suggested that I needed a construction company because the wood frame around the window had been damaged. They recommended Yack Construction. I called Kevin --- it was a Friday --- and he sent someone over that afternoon to put a board over the window. He said he would come Monday morning and assess the damage. On Monday he took measurements and ordered the frame and glass. It was going to take several days to fabricate so I flew home and came back the next week. Promptly at 9 the guys came to install and paint the frame. Kevin stopped by during the work. The job was finished by 2 and I was able to fly home that night. Faced with an emergency situation and not knowing anyone in the area, I was lucky to connect with Yack. Kevin handled everything professionally and the guys did a great job.