| - This place is in the same location as Sairam Om -- in fact, I think it's the same owners and same menu.... just different name. Anyway, I went in at 11:30 and ordered a mango lassi and a chicken tikka dosa. I was the only one in the restaurant and the waiter/host was very polite. He went into the back to get my water. Meanwhile, this blond woman smacking gum in her mouth comes into the restaurant (waits for all of two seconds) and starts talking to me..., "HELLO!? HI?!" I turn around and wave at her and continue to read my book...., "HELLO?!", Yah... she thinks I work there because I look Indian... good for you lady, I'm Filipino. The waiter comes back out and tends to her, and she shouts to me, "OH SORRY, I THOUGHT YOU WORKED HERE". Anyway, the waiter tells her that her takeout isn't ready and she needs to wait. Sometimes I think karma can come and bite people in the arse because she waited for a while and started getting this snooty attitude when things aren't served to her at McDonald's speed. Now, back to my lunch.... the lassi came out and it seemed to be a powdered mixture because it tasted pretty gritty..... and then when the chicken tikka dosa came out, it was sliced into three parts (I was a little disappointed, because I was looking forward to that great big long dosa!!) and it was served with just the sambar. The waiter said he'd be right back with the chutney and that condiment that I can never remember the name of. But, by the time he came back with the two condiments, I had about two bites left...... and I was eating slowly. In the meantime, the restaurant had gotten 6 more patrons in and the waiter/host was dealing with them one at a time..... VERY SLOWLY.... which was why my condiments came out in an untimely manner. I'd hate to see what happens to the poor guy when it gets really busy! The dosa was pretty good, but whoever made it (the cooks in the back seemed to be of the caucasian nature) figured it would be a nice touch to add raw red onion to my dosa which was very overpowering. It was probably at least half a red onion..... and the fact that it was split into three made me think that the chef wasn't Indian at all..... I've eaten many dosas in Toronto, NYC, NJ and I've never once seen one cut into thirds. But anyway, the crepe was good, the chicken tikka was good but lose the red onion garnish next time -- two hours later, and I can still smell the onion on my breath!! Ugh!