I put off writing this review because our first visit was SO atrocious that after speaking with a manager, she asked that we first give them another chance.
We never got an opportunity because yesterday I noticed they are closed. Can't say I'm surprised if our only visit was any sort of indicator. Too bad, too, because this area really needs a few more good options.
Here's a suggestion to anyone considering opening a restaurant in this space: DO NOT DO IT. And I'm 100% serious. There are without question what I call "Locations of Death," and this is one of them. If an excellent chef like Jihad Hachicho could not make it work there with the excellent Aura, I'm not sure anyone can. I think Trendz is at least the third failed restaurant in this space. It's tucked away in a corner of a virtually empty strip mall--although to their credit, Cozumel is still there and keeps knocking 'em dead. Just don't ask me how.
Regardless, goodbye Trendz. We hardly knew ye. Thank goodness