| - the Ontario place i once knew was an amazing place to go as a kid, the Ontario place that is here and now, is a different animal all together!.
the water park and amusement rides are long gone, the IMAX theater is almost up and running again, and Atlantis is still in place. so you might be asking what is left?
a whole bunch of land, on waterfront that various people are using for art expos, or food fests.
was fortunate to come here in the summer and the fall to not only have a trip down memory lane, but also check things out. a lot of the buildings remain in good shape, but have not been updated at all. towards the extreme left side of the island remains the old log ride and the old barn maze which is locked away from the general public, because they still do not know what to do with it all this time since Ontario place closed down in 2012. oh and not to mention that if you look really hard you can still see some advertisements/specials for Ontario place from the summer of 2011...memory lane INDEED!
this land has been a wonderful place for people to walk, jog, run, bike ride, skateboard, roller blade etc. you can get a lot of calories burned "running" around this place.
my only complaint is that transit is not a nice option to getting here, as some lines come close, but involve a 15-30 minute walk one-way.
parking is available on site, and i'm not sure what the charge is, if at all anything.