| - When I bought my Groupon last year, I called to make an appointment in March and was told they weren't accepting Groupon appointments until April. The earliest I could be seen was late April. No bueno for bikini season. Nearly a year later, and my last Groupon visit is scheduled for this week and I'm going to cancel. I chose the "small" area for $99.
I wish Groupon or Simplicity had explained that for a bikini area "small" meant one straight line down, and back up. That's it. One 1/4 inch "line" zapped on each side. The first four visits, the technician did the two lines and booked my next appointment. It wasn't until I expressed dissatisfaction that I wasn't noticing a difference that another, friendlier technician told me to expect two dozen visits for a larger package for my desired result. That visit the technician zapped further out from the single line. And she tried to upgrade me on a different package. The following visit, same thing, zapping in a slightly larger area, smooth sales pitch to buy a new package. While my hair in the single line is lighter, more sparse, I still have to shave daily during swim season.
I've since done more research, I'm going with electrolysis with a company that doesn't offer discounts to group sales. Unlike laser and pulsed lights, electrolysis kills every follicle the electrologist treats.