I came upon this on Groupon. I bought a Groupon for 29$ which was for 1 regular whitening sesion of 50 minutes. They have 3 packages starting at a basic, regular and extra strength. It only cost about 10$ more to go to extra strength but I decided to stay with the regular considering it was my first time. The office is small and cute and honestly the whollle appointment from start to end was perfect, easy and smooth sailing. I got there 10 minutes before my appointment. Meredith explained the different packages along with the step by step of the procedure. The procedure was fine and during I only felt about 5 pangs of sensitivity felt on a different tooth every time. This was very tolerable as the sensitive feeling was not nice but it only lasted a couple seconds. It was the sensitivity after I went home that was bad! Ooh my teeth were sensitive for the rest of the day! I personally hate the feeling of sensitive teeth so to me it was annoying to get through. Generally I do have pretty sensitive teeth tho. Buttt I woke up this morning (~12 hours after treatment) without any sensitivity and with white as can be teeeeth! I am definitely happy with the results and will be back!