| - (This Review follows other "1*" reviews regarding their billing tactics, NOT the Anesthesiologist's care. Beware of Arrowhead Collections as well)
Similar thing happened to me in that my bill was paid in full, then 2 years later out of the blue, I receive a phone call from this company. I let them know there must be a mistake. I happened to still have my records in which it showed I was a cash patient paying in full, receipts included. I called after she received it, and she said that was fine. A year later, I get another call out of the blue, same thing, different person. Again they receive the information and try to insist I received insurance payment, and that they should receive that. I assured them this was a cash case, as I once again scanned and emailed to them all the paperwork and receipts. Including where it states that it was a cash pay case. I thought everything was done and settled. About one year later and about 3 years after the services, another random call. Seriously?! The cycle repeats itself. Low and behold 7 months later (now 4 years since service), it pops up on my credit report. Even after they received the info showing paid in full for cash pay services, and saying ok. Not once have I never received a bill from the company, just the random calls in which the proof of the "paid in full cash case" was emailed to them. What a time consuming harassing ordeal. I've heard through the years others have gone through similar unjust treatment. Beware of Valley Anesthesia and Arrowhead billing tactics! Keep all your receipts for years because they'll call out of no where one day and say you owe them. Yep, they managed to lower my credit score. Goal accomplished, if that's what they wanted, because I surely was not going to pay them again!! Theyre unethical and unjust. Have your lawyers number available. Good luck!