| - Third time visit. No reason to increase the stars. Rib Eye Steak tough but edible. Meat Loaf was high quality but not warm enough. Ditto for vegetables. This place has to do a better of job of serving food at the right temperature. This is a consistent problem. The shrimp bow tie pasta was ok, but swimming in loose sauce and onions.
The servers here are pleasant, caring, and efficient.
They were out of Salmon, and Smoked Half Chicken. A request for bread was met with " I'll see if we have any ". They did... and we were told that would be an additional $1.00. Really? Four people ordering 4 entrees, and you're going to charge them another $1.00 for bread? What's next? A charge for silverware?
Does this strike anyone else as being "bush league"? How can management's thought process be so myopic? Do the owners think doing this will ingratiate them, or polarize the relationship, with customers. Inquiring minds want to know. You be the judge!
Here's another rookie mistake. We had a coupon that the server asked to see before we ordered. She accepted it and logged it into their computer. When she presented it to management at the end of our meal, it was rejected because it expired 4/1/12.
Firstly, tell us that upfront. Secondly, would it have been terrible to tell the cutomer that the coupon expired but would be accepted as an accomodation this time, but in the future they would adhere to expiration dates? After all, for a few bucks, management could have created much goodwill....especially in light of everything else that happened.
When we mentioned the coupon incident to the person at the front desk, she said the server didn't handle this properly, and the server should have instead, gone to the manager. Yet it was this same person to whom we were talking, who rejected the coupon when the server presented it to her.
Yes err is human. To blame it on someone else is..... more human!
And last, but not least. Three visits and three times there was chaos with the check. If you tell them to split the check down the middle, for some reason they don't know what this means. You wind up getting 2 separate checks with the wrong amounts on each. It's very simple. If the bill is $70.00, you put $35.00 on each credit card. They just don't understand.
This restaurant needs someone with good business sense to step up...before it's too late....and they wind up with the same fate that has befallen other restaurants both at this exact location and in this strip center.
Just in case they can't figure it out.... that "fate" would be.......