I love Rush Espresso. When I came back to Charlotte after being gone for a year, I was very happy to see the business still open and seemingly doing quite well. I visited the establishment every day while I was in town and the espresso drinks and breakfast was on par with just how I remembered it.
If I had one criticism of the espresso drinks at all it would be that the lattes really lack a discerning espresso flavor. I really like a nice balance of sweet and espresso, and I detect more of a cream and sweet flavor when I drink my latte from Rush. Maybe it's the barista making the drink, or perhaps it just the type of espresso used in the drink, but nonetheless, it's my two cents. Having lodged this criticism, what I will say is that the flavor is consistent... So they do have that going for them.
I would encourage everyone to support this coffee bar. The owner is doing a hell of a job and I want it to stay around for my future visits to Charlotte.