When I lived in Cleveland Kolick's used to be the jeweler that I trusted the most but one weird experience turned me off of them. I brought my wedding rings in to be buffed and cleaned (I work with my hands a lot so they take a beating more often than not). Upon entering a gentleman came up to me, asked me if I needed help, and when I told him that I'd like my rings cleaned and the scratches buffed a little he informed me that they "don't buff scratches off because it wears away at the gold." He didn't offer to clean them or assist me with anything else, either.
Later when I was back in St. Louis I went to my normal, trustworthy, talented and experienced jeweler who actually custom made my rings. I told her what had happened and she told me she had never heard of such a thing and that buffing doesn't "wear down the gold" but that over-buffing the ring would maybe make it more malleable as it heats up. But she told me that even this would require massive amounts of buffing over years and years with nonstop wear-and-tear on the rings.
I also noticed that the pieces they have there are quite expensive. In particular the Swarovski jewelry that they carry in stock is marked up over 50% (I checked online). I bought a Swarovski piece as a present for my aunt and they didn't even take the price tag off but instead they WRAPPED it with the price tag still showing! They forgot to take the price tag off the bracelet itself AND the box they wrapped it in! That was so embarrassing! Of course it was the first thing she saw when she opened it up! Ugh, too many bad experiences in this place. I do not recommend it!