| - I've come to realize that my enjoyment of Chicken-On-The-Way is directly correlated to my level of inebriation - the drunker I am, the more delicious it tastes!
That's not a sterling endorsement, I realize, as the person who's judgement improves with intoxication is a rare bird indeed!
Chicken-On-The-Way serves up a somewhat greasy, fully cooked bird, fortunately. In the sober, harsh light of the day, I'd have to say it's just "alright".
The fries are actually superior to the chicken, in my estimation.
As for the corn fritters, well let's just say, if you dig on deep-fried batter balls, you'll positively love them.
That being said, this take-out chicken shack is a Calgary tradition, and the food is served up fast and at reasonable prices.
The only problem with the place is that they left the last part of their name off - it should be called "Chicken-On-The-Way-Home-After-Getting-Loaded". That kind of truth would certainly bump them up a star!