24 filtered reviews? Hmmmmm
Anyway, I tried a class at Body Envy and I thought it was pretty good overall.
Pros: It was a great workout. I was challenged for sure. Everyone was very warm and welcoming and willing to help me out because I didn't know how to do a lot of the exercises. Nice, supportive community of women. The next day I was so sore! I love feeling like I got my butt kicked when I work out!
Cons: I could see myself getting bored of it very quickly. The class was very large and only one trainer, so not a lot of personal attention/instruction. There is child care, but it is a very tiny room. I think only 4 kids max should be in there. I mean, at least it's something, which is a plus, but it's very minimal. And ultimately why I chose not to sign up...it's really expensive.
Well, expensive for someone like me who feels like they just want the workout only and not the whole "program". It maybe a good fit for someone who needs nutrition, lifestyle guidance, etc.
I'll keep my eyes open for a Groupon.