| - I will preempt this with the fact that I seriously dislike dentists and I have severe anxiety from several bad encounters with dentists, thus this dentist should have taken the time to sit me down and talk to me before shoving me into an X-ray chair and demanding a full mouth X-ray for the cleaning I had scheduled.
Firstly, this is a very small office. The condescending hamplanet Dorothy at the front desk telling me that "it's Arizona law" that you have to get a full set of 18 X-rays on your first visit for a cleaning I had scheduled via phone could have easily expressed that at the time I made the appointment. I would have found a dentist who wouldn't try to gouge my insurance company on the first visit, and an office that isn't going to spout hilarious "law" rhetoric at me.
Secondly, they have you sign a waiver stating that the insurance coverage is "not guaranteed" and the patient will be responsible for any overages. Not uncommon, but don't tell me it's "AZ law" to get a set of 18 x-rays when it's obvious you are bilking insurance companies.
Third, Dr. Eric the dentist was nice enough, but don't talk over me when I'm voicing my concerns. I have legitimate concerns regarding costs, and you're simply stating that you "have to do x-rays" for the cleaning I scheduled. Excellent, do a couple of x-rays, maybe 6 or 8, not 18.
I up and left this office while discussing the complete lack of patient disregard so they can gouge my insurance company for everything they can. I will be informing my insurance company that no services were preformed and that they should not pay them one cent.
If money is no object, then by all means, go and get gouged by these insurance company leeches. I do not recommend it for new patients as they don't even bother to speak with you and instead shove you in a chair and start taking X-rays whilst bilking your insurance company for every penny they can.