I have been downsizing and selling my books, CDs and DVDs here. The service has been hit or miss. Last week when we were here it took nearly 90 minutes for them to tell me that the four boxes of things I brought in were worth $50. While I waited, I heard one person calling people telling them their quote was ready whenever they wanted to stop in the store.
Today I brought four more boxes. The woman would not let me leave the store telling me it was "store policy" not to let people leave. That must have changed in the last few days.... she told me there were a few small orders in front of us and it wouldn't take long. Been sitting here over an hour and no end in site.
If they think I'm going to walk around the store and buy something they have another thing coming.
I'll find another place to sell my things - someplace that realizes a store based upon value doesn't mean rude, demeaning "service."