This is one of the good place to go for Dim Sum. Contrary the belief that it is expensive, we found that on several occasions that it is priced decently comparable to other restaurants at the same level roughly $15-$18.
In winter, it is harder to find a car park space in its parking lot than a table in the restaurant. It is advisable to book a table rather than walk in and wait in a long queue. Before you can get a table will require most of the people to be there. I think it is fair so that no one can occupy a empty table for long time to wait for the whole party to come. In that case lengthen the wait time for everyone.
There are lot of variety for Dim Sum. The Dim Sum list is rather long. We tend to order the Dim Sum that is not common in other restaurants. Once in a while, the manager will recommend dishes in addition to the Dim Sum order. The last recommended fish pot is full of fish and is very tasty.