| - After shopping exclusively at this store since August of 2017, I will now avoid it at all costs. Prior to this Albertsons, I shopped exclusively for 4 yrs at an Albertsons on Blue Diamond & Decatur that had been excellent.
Extremely frustrating issues, starting 1st with overall groceries. I frequently find expired products on the shelf or way too soon expiration dates. I put them in my cart to give to the cashier, but by the time I get there, along with needing someone to help unload my cart, I forget & go home with them. I either forget to take them back to the store when I go back, or I'm stopping there unexpectedly. Eventually, I give up & throw the products away.
Being handicapped is the most frustrating of all for a non-friendly, uncaring grocery store. For being next door to a retirement community they have very few scooter carts.
I understand property management is in control of some of the issues for handicapped people. Handicapped parking spots are practically non-existing. Their few spots are at opposite ends of the store & the store, lacking electrical outlets at doors on the sides of handicapped spots, have all the scooters at the middle door.
Many times I have to sit & wait for a handicapped spot to open. I have to be able to open my driver's door all the way, so I cannot risk a car parking too close to my car or even an average distance.
If you find a non-handicapped spot where no one can park on side of driver's door, there is no place to put scooter when you come out.
Most frustrating is the lack of care done in being detailed oriented to handicapped spots. This caused me to say no more Albertsons yesterday when a couple issues took place.
There were no scooters available when I came in. Desperately needed to go to pharmacy (no drive thru either), and I really needed bread & a couple other items. I used a normal cart while body was screaming with pain. Had a couple people ahead of me & a customer behind me. As soon as a saw the non-pharmacist person done with previous customer, she did her normal, very slow demeanor that I've noticed every single time since last August, she turned away from window & slowly walked over to a co-worker. Probably too harshly, I insisted I needed help immediately. I picked up prescription that was ready but couldn't wait for the needed answers to questions. Computer or not, she is just too slow & uncaring customer service, where every pharmacist does have a caring & helpful demeanor.
The final issue was after trying to get a few items, I went to cashier stands & tho lines were extremely minimal, especially in the express lines where maybe just one person was ahead of me, yet, by that time even one person was too many. The lack of a scooter, waiting in line at pharmacy, slow clerk, and then trying to get from there to bread picking up a few products on the way, I found my body was not going to make it to the bread & had turned around just to go to cashier & purchase what I had.
End result, I had to leave cart behind without checking out.
To my dismay as I walked beyond cashiers, I see a scooter parked by end slot machine, while customer sat in the slot machine's chair. I complained about this to who I thought was a supervisor & directly across from him.
With their knowledge of a lack of handicapped spots, bad location for them, a shortage of scooters, and all of these issues next to a retirement community, which means elderly & handicapped, they should be more aware of what was going on with their scooters. However, I'm sure the gambling revenue would be protected above all else & selfish man left alone.
Since I live at 215 & W.Lake Mead, going to Cheyenne & 215 for a Walmart Market is just as convenient.
Tired of trying to get the best deals from a higher priced grocery store with the difficult electronic coupons that even cashiers have trouble understanding.