Dear Joe the water guy,
Thank you for your water. Thank you for noticing my wobbling legs and suggesting hydration. You may have saved my life today!
I loved this experience! I prepared myself for kind of a shit show seeing as most of the reviews agree that Saturday morning may not be the best time to take on the summit for the first time. I had some issues finding parking as I decided to hike after an intense yoga class which brought me to McDonald road around 9:45 am. To my surprise it really was not too busy! I did park a ways away as suggested my my fellow hiking yelpers which allowed me to get up to the mountain as other hikers waited in their hot rides for someone to make it down the mountain.
Pros: Great cardio, AMAZING view, nice hikers (mostly tourists...especially on weekends),
Tips: BRING A LOT OF WATER. (I am thinking of investing in one of those backpack water things) If you see 'Joe the water guy' (This is literally what he told me his name was), say hi.
To make life easier, just park down the road and walk the 1/4 mile. This will save you time and will allow you to burn a few extra calories...