I just had the most painful pedicure I've ever experienced in my life. This is really a shame because I've been to this place a number of times and have been pleased in the past. Within the first 2 minutes the woman giving me a pedicure roughly slices my cuticle. She wasn't even looking at what she was doing just sawing away! I yelped, oh boy did I yelp. She apologized and I tried to move on. Then she proceeds to spray alcohol, YES alcohol all over my feet including the cuticle she'd just sliced. This time every muscle in my body contracted in pain as I plunged my foot into the water asking what the heck she just put on my feet. Alcohol? What???!!! I am still in pain and throbbing. I won't go so far as to say don't return since I have had good service there in the past. I WILL say avoid the older woman with the chili bowl haircut and glasses. AVOID AVOID AVOID!!
Update - I had to update from 2 to 1 star and recommend you skip this place after all. One week later and my toe is still tender though has finally scabbed. No bueno.