Terrible on many levels. Quoted and agreed to one price. Received vaccination. THEN told that we need to schedule another appointment for the 2nd dose. 2nd appointment cost the same price as the first. Before receiving 2nd doses, was told that a 3rd dose would be required to be immunized for life. Now facing THREE TIMES THE PRICE I was originally quoted, I questioned the Nurse Practitioner about business ethics. Answer was patronizing and insulting. Paraphrased: "WE are doctors! How dare you question us!" NP then vaccinated my wife in a deliberately rough manner which left her wanting me to call the police. Asked to speak to manager. Not there. Left info for a phone call. Mgr never called. Called to remind us of our 3rd appointment! Repeated my concerns. After more than 2 months, finally received a call from man claiming to handle customer service. "Never been accused of anything like this! The man you are accusing is highly trained with 10 years experience! (WE ARE DOCTORS. DON"T QUESTION US). I doubt everything you tell me but I will investigate and PROMISE to get back you."
That was more than 2 month's ago.
I would NEVER recommend this business to anyone. Please ask your GP for a referral to ANY other business. I can not recall ever receiving worse service sine moving to Las Vegas 23 years ago.
Mark Reichle