| - Could the staff at Blue Moon be any nicer? I doubt it! I decided on a whim to stop in last night to see an extended family member who is a performer while they were there. It was my first time going on a Saturday night performance night and I didn't expect that the bar would be THE place to be! WOW. It was awesome.
Since We didn't plan ahead and waited until the kiddo's were in bed, the bar was already filled to capacity when we arrived. Line at the door. My cousin & I found the majority of those in line to be high spirits, patient, friendly, & calm despite the wait. It was a really merry & upbeat crowd. And that was before we entered for the special event!
The doorman was quite nice and I gained quite a bit of respect for Blue Moon when I got to the front of the line. I was at the front of the door for about 10-15 minutes. I could have gone in at one point when there was room for one but was waiting for my cousin to be able to enter. And so here's what I observed & my thoughts.
So I have some family members who are well know entertainers. They play shows locally and nationally. So I tend to get invited to shows and know their crew. I also have my own personal connections to neighborhood staff & business owners. I'm not trying to brag or anything. I'm just trying to explain my own beliefs in how individuals should behave when they have a connection to a show. Its my opinion that it's inappropriate to go to the front of the line & demand to be let in immediately and have a hissy fit when a place is at capacity and other people have been waiting for a long time.
What I saw last night at Blue Moon was this- Multiple times people tried to cut the line and enter while the bar was at capacity. The doorman was still nice to those individuals but stated to everyone that the door policy is that all patrons having equality when the bars at capacity. Who you know, your gender, preference, relationships, etc, all won't give anyone special treatment over someone else who has been waiting. Which I think is really cool. I saw a couple people try to pull the special treatment card at the front door last night & the Blue Moon staff wouldn't have anything to do with it. It was really cool of the door staff to treat all of their guests equally AND state that all of their guests are import and equal. It might sound like a small silly thing but that's important.
After entering the show last night was AMAZING. I can't say enough about it. As always the bar manager runs an amazing bar.
I was at the bar and a patron that I don't know accidentally knocked over my drink. The bartender immediately cleaned up the spilled drink, handed me a napkin in case anything was on my jeans, and double checked the drink that I had been drinking to replace the drink they had just made me.